Thursday, November 5, 2009

奧斯汀社區大學 Austin Community College (ACC) (full time)

上一篇提到,作為F2,如果另一半有UT TA/RA,在ACC選課可以付in state學費


可以付in state學費,但是要交兩樣東西:

1.另一半的 tuition bill waiver 證明他有TA/RA

2.結婚證明(因為不像F2 visa本身就是證明你是F1的配偶)


1. $ 100 Application Fee: You need to turn in your application fee. It must be in the form of a cashier’s check, money order, or personal check. DO NOT SEND CASH.   

2. TOEFL Score: You need to provide us with a TOEFL IBT Score of a minimum of 71 (with a composite of 53 on the Reading, Writing, & Listening sections).  If you take the written exam, you must provide us with TOEFL Score with a minimum of 530. 

3. Official Transcript: Official/original transcript with graduation date or your graduation diploma. A certified English translation must also be submitted when the original document is not in English.

4. Residency Form: You need to complete the Residency Form and turn it in to our office. You can find the PDF link to the Residency Form at the following link from our website, Please print this form, fill it out and sign it, then turn it into our office.

5. Statement of Financial Support: A parent/sponsor must sign the form included with the International Student Application. The student’s information must be included on the top portion of this document. A bank official must also sign and apply an official seal on the form, OR the parent/sponsor can provide an original letter/bank statement on official bank letterhead. This document must be dated no more than six (6) months prior to the start of school. If you applying for the Spring semester, the document can be dated no earlier than August. A minimum amount of $19,000 U.S. dollars must be verified by the bank official or stated on the bank letter. Please remember that we require an amount of $4,000 U.S. dollars for EACH additional dependent.

6. Supplemental Application: You need to fill out and turn in both pages of the Supplemental Application, with your signature on the second page. Attached to this form should be a passport sized photo.

7. Emergency Contact Information: You need to fill out and turn in both pages of the Emergency Contact Information form, with your signature on the second page.

8. Travel Documentation: We need you to provide us with a copy of your travel documentation: Valid passport, U.S. visa and I-94 (both front and back).

最後就是要看好申請的截止日期, 不然會需要等半年或一年了


  1. Hi 啾啾鳥,

    我老公也是UT F2,正在申请学校,不知道可否交流一下,我们研究的很多学校都不承认

    UT F2的州内学费资格,即使我是UT graduate TA、RA,真奇怪。我们的gmail是:

  2. 不好意思,我最後沒有申請學校, 但是依我所知 ACC是可以接受的, 其他學校就不清楚了
